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A veranda is a fantastic addition to your home, but it is wise to understand all about local planning laws before proceeding with your veranda project. Many verandas do require planning permission, and it is important that you apply for this permission before beginning work on your veranda. Building any structure without the relevant planning permissions can be a costly mistake, as you can be forced to take it down.

Permitted Development

Certain alterations are allowed under permitted development. This may vary across different local councils and will be different if you live in a listed building, a National Park, or an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Always check the permitted development guidelines with your local planning department before carrying out any work on your home.

Planning Permission Requirements

Planning permission requirements vary according to what you wish to build. When you are planning your veranda, it is best to consult your local planning office to clarify whether you need planning permission and how the process works.

Site Assessment

Here at Glazing Systems, we offer an installation service for verandas. Our complete veranda kits are easy to install, but if you wish us to do it for you, our experienced team is on hand to do just that. We can carry out a site assessment to make sure that a veranda will fit in your chosen location. After a thorough site assessment, we will be best placed to advise you on the best development for your space. Sometimes exploring different options will help you find the best solution for your home.

Veranda Building Regulations

If you take advantage of our installation service, we will be able to work with you to ensure that all building regulations and permissions are followed according to the latest guidelines. Building regulations do change, and what was correct some years ago, may now be outdated. With us, you can be confident that we will be up-to-date with the latest regulations so that your veranda will be fully legal and compliant.

Veranda Design Considerations

When you begin designing the veranda for your home, it is important to consider how you will use it. Do you want somewhere you can sit in all weather? Will you use it often, or just to keep out of the sun on a hot day? Do you envision entertaining under your veranda, or do you just want a quiet place to curl up with a book? All of these questions will help to choose the best veranda for your home. We offer both freestanding and attached verandas, which are suited to different uses. Many people decide on freestanding verandas to provide a covered outdoor eating area, typically to protect their outdoor tables and chairs. This can be useful for outdoor entertaining. Verandas that are attached to the house are regularly used as an extension of the living area of a home and can provide a quiet seating area to escape the hustle and bustle of a busy home. Just spend some time working out how you want to use your veranda so that you can make the best decision for yourself. If you need lots of space and want to be well-protected from the weather then you will need a wide veranda with plenty of space, but if you just want a sheltered area for sunny days, then a simple, small veranda could be perfect for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need planning permission for a veranda?

Planning law is notoriously complex, and it is always wise to seek advice from your local council before starting any development, as you can be made to take down illegal developments. In general, it is best to assume that you will need planning permission.

2. When do I need planning permission?

You will need planning permission for a veranda if it meets any of the following criteria; it is over 300 mm tall, it is located on the roof of your property, it is between your house and a road, or it will cover more than 50% of the land around your house.

3. Can I add a veranda to a listed building without planning permission?

Listed buildings, conservation areas, and AONBs (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) have more stringent planning restrictions. These will be specific to each area, and dependent on the type of listing.

4. What are the benefits of adding a veranda to my property?

Verandas are a lovely addition to any property. They give you a unique space that is a cross between the outdoors and the inside, ideal for all weathers, and an easy way to gain more space for entertaining, or quiet spaces. A veranda will also add value to your property, so you are investing in your home.

5. How can I ensure that my veranda plans comply with planning permission requirements?

Ensure that you seek planning advice from the local council and follow their guidelines. Always ask if you are unsure of any element of the planning regulations.

6. What if I live in a conservation area or listed building?

Conservation areas have their own planning restrictions, so make sure you speak to the relevant authorities. You can make changes to listed buildings, but it will depend on the grade of the listing, so ensure that you seek proper advice.

7. How can I avoid planning permission?

Planning permission is in place to prevent unfeasible developments. It would be unwise to try to evade planning permission, and the repercussions if you are caught can be costly.


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